Hospitals are supposed to be a place where we go for much-needed medical care. Many doctors and nurses do amazing work, but medical errors are still far too common. In Minnesota alone, there were 341 adverse events reported in 2017. What are the most common adverse...
Board-Certified* Trial Specialists With A Reputation For Results
At the law office of Harper & Peterson, P.L.L.C., we use our well recognized ability to try cases and skillful negotiation to help seriously injured people secure rightful compensation from wrongdoers.
Understanding tort reform and its potential consequences, Part 2
Researchers generally recognize three waves of tort reform. The most recent wave occurred between 2002 and 2005. Nine states across the country enacted laws to cap damages in medical malpractice cases. Then, as now, proponents of plans to immunize medical...
Understanding tort reform and its potential consequences, Part 3
Understanding tort reform and its potential consequences, Part 3 We have discussed the issue of tort reform in a variety of ways. Unfortunately tort reform has become a recurring topic that makes it into the public debate without any significant premise for its need....
Understanding tort reform and its potential consequences, Part 1
In any area of public concern, lobbyists, politicians, big business, and pundits alike, often turn to catchphrases that serve to undermine open and full discussion over a specific topic. As our nation is struggling to find ways to address the rising cost of healthcare...
Understanding the importance of the jury in civil trials, Part 2
The United States has a long tradition of respecting the right to have a jury of peers participate in resolving disputes. Few other countries look to juries to decide facts, relying on other systems involving government authorities to decide the fate of people in...
Understanding the importance of the jury in civil trials, Part 1
As we move into 2017, the political landscape across the country remains in turmoil. Last year experienced a tumultuous campaign that people on both sides of the aisle agree highlighted that a strong partisan rift exists in America. In fact, in naming "The Person of...